What I’m doing now
If you haven’t seen me in a while, this page lets you know that I’m still alive taking pictures.
What I’m currently up to:
Had multiple unlucky episodes of high fever & coupled with family commitments, they wreaked serious havoc on my work. Could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after many many weeks of late-night sleep tackling mountains of backlogs.
Gained quite some weight due to being sick and the priority to maximize time editing pictures.
I’ve stopped posting on social media for the 3rd year. Observing/contemplating if I can actually fully quit without repercussions.
Crave for a do-nothing break and also some relaxed downtime to do some much needed future-thinking.
I'll edit as new things happen and priority changes.
( Last updated: 9 March 2025 )
&.b.t.w. - Now page is inspired by Derek Sivers.